アーク溶接特別教育 / Special course on safety and health issues related to Arc Welding
The course of “Āku yōsetsu tokubetsu kyōiku” (アーク溶接特別教育), In English it would translate as "Special course on safety and health issues related to Arc Welding", it is a course that lasts 24 hours spread over 3 days of classes. The course includes hours of theory and practice to learn about the different welding processes and the necessary safety measures, it is also taught entirely in Spanish and Portuguese, explaining the most important Japanese vocabulary needed in the work of this area. Students with or without experience in the welding area can participate. Students receive a certification of having completed the āku yousetsu tokubetsu kyouiku, an important requirement to work as a welder and annexes to work related to the welding area in Japan.
One machine per person: All the time the student has a machine for his personal use.
Duration: 24 hours (11 hours of theory + 13 hours of practice) Place: FWAJ Technical Training Center Kanagawa ken, Aikawa machi (6984-5 Nakatsu, Aikawa, Aiko, Kanagawa ken T 243-0303)
Investment: 50,000 yen
Limited vacancies: 5 people per course
Includes: - Official book (English/Japanese) and reprints with translations. - Materials and equipment to carry out the practices. - Protective equipment. Requirements: - The student must attend with work clothes and shoes.
REPORTS: Cel.: 080-6640-7961 E-mail: tanoue.aldo@fwaj.jp
Theoretical syllabus:
Basic theory of arc welding, etc. and basic knowledge of electricity (1 hour).
AC and DC welding machines. Automatic shock prevention devices, rods and welding supports, wiring (3 hours).
Inspection and maintenance of pre-welding. Welding, fusion methods, etc.
Board Inspection. Post-sto-sing treatment. Accidents and accident prevention (6 hours).
Relevant clauses in laws, ordinances and regulations (1 hour).
Practical syllabus:
Rod welding (1 hour)
TIG welding (3 hours)
Semi-automatic welding (9 hours)
Investing in training allows you to improve professionally and have better job opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Do you deliver a certificate of the course? Yes, the Kado is delivered, which is the document that certifies in Japan that you have successfully completed this course.
2. Is the course valid throughout Japan? Yes, the certificate we issue is valid throughout Japan.
3. In what language is the course taught? The tutors teach the courses in Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese according to the student's needs.
4. Do you have a government subsidy? No, this course is fully funded by the FWAJ.
5. Do I require special equipment and what does the course include? We only ask you to attend with shoes with protection (reinforced toe) and work clothes. All the materials needed for the practices and equipment are included in the price.
6. Do I need to have experience as a welder? The āku yousetsu tokubetsu kyouiku course is a requirement to learn the most important fundamentals and measures necessary to safely carry out this job. No experience in the area is required to participate.
Do not hesitate to call us to answer all your questions.