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The Foreign Welders Association of Japan - FWAJ, was born at the initiative of Aldo Tanoue in 2018, who has been working in the sector since 1997 and founded the company Tanoue Kougyou Kabushiki Gaisha, which has trained dozens of foreign workers in the welding area, who they have managed to become professional and improve their working conditions in Japan; from this experience, the need to create the Foreign Welders Association of Japan (FWAJ) is seen with the main objective of sharing knowledge and experiences, supporting the new generations, promoting the obtaining of certifications to improve job opportunities for foreign workers. in this area and the dissemination of their work within the Japanese job offer.

Tanoue Kougyou
Kabushiki Gaisha

Tanoue Kougyou Kabushiki Gaisha was founded in 2007, has its operations center in the city of Uenohara in Yamanashi prefecture.
During these years he has specialized in the assembly of large and medium scale metal structures.

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-18 at
Training center Technique
in Kanagawa

The Foreign Welders Association of Japan Technical Training Center is located in Aikawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture. In this center the courses are taught and the students carry out their practices before taking the certification exams. 

FWAJ objectives
  • Give representation and voice to foreign welders of all nationalities in Japan.

  • Improve the qualifications of foreign welders.

  • Promote the development of the welding industry from the acquisition of updated knowledge and new technologies.

  • Train and professionalize technical personnel in welding.

  • Promote foreign welders in different industries related to welding.

  • Motivate young foreigners in the acquisition of welding skills.​

FWAJ Activities
  • Workshops to learn and improve welding skills and techniques for experts or beginners.

  • Planning and implementation of contests, conferences, study sessions, among others that contribute to the improvement of welding techniques.

  • Training in the area of personal growth, business creation, occupational safety measures, work-related health issues, work ethics, among others.

  • Advice and guidance in the certification process for the professionalization of welders. For this, all the necessary actions are carried out so that the applicants get to obtain them based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).

    • Welding certifications (yousetsu tokubetsu kyouiku, yousetsu tekikakusei menkyou)

    • Use of oxyacetylene gas (gasu yousetsu)

    • Use of the roof crane (tenjou kuren)

    • Use of the cable (tamakake)

    • Use of circular emery.sanda.gurainda (jiyuukensaku toishi)

    • Use of penetrating liquids (Kara chekku)

    • Among other.

  • Optional:

    • Use of toxic, flammable chemical liquids (yuuki yousai)

    • Low voltage electricity (teiatsu denki)

    • Vehicle for work at height (koushosagyousha)

    • Among other

  • Development of a training program aimed at young foreigners so that they can access better development opportunities. The most veteran professionals will share their experiences and knowledge to help train a new generation prepared and with the appropriate tools to better integrate into this country.

  • Promote spaces for integration between workers and Japanese companies in the sector, thus supporting the dissemination of work and the quality of foreign welders. Generating these meetings between businessmen and professionals opens a communication channel that allows ideas to be contributed and problems solved for both parties.

  • Support in the writing and translation of the curriculum with technical specifications about their certifications.

Programs for companies and institutions

We carry out courses for companies and institutions that wish to train their staff. The courses we offer have the advantage of being taught in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Japanese.​

We train our students to learn the most important terms in Japanese and perform professionally in their workplace. The theory is explained in clear terms and practical exercises help students to apply the acquired knowledge; In addition, each student uses a welding machine and is provided with all the equipment and materials.​

The FWAJ provides permanent support and students who can take additional practice time at an affordable price. We provide advice and preparation for students to apply to the JIS certification exams.

Board of Directors

President: Tanoue Sánchez Aldo 🇵🇪

Executive Director: Uezu Akimi 🇧🇷


Nokuni Aldo 🇯🇵

Fuyikawa Juan 🇵🇪
Yamaguchi Hiroyuki 🇯🇵
Sanchez Renzo 🇵🇪


TIG machines:

Daihen Digital EleconDA300P (1unit)

Daihen Inverter Argo 300P  (4units)

Cooling pumps (5 units)


Matsumoto MAC PS-2X (4-Pack)

For rod welding (5 units)


Machines for Semiautomatic:

Daihen DM350 Ⅲ (2 units)

Daihen Dyna Auto XD350Ⅱ (2 units)

Feeder arm:

Space.arm (4 units)

Smoke management equipment:

Wall extractor (2 units)

Extractor for work table (4 units)

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Captura de pantalla 2023-02-15 a las 18.57.23.png

FWAJ -  Foreign Welder Association of Japan - 2021
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