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JIS Certifications: Preparation and advice for applying

Aldo Tanoue

At the Association of Foreign Welders in Japan, we organize personalized training so that you can obtain your JIS accreditation in the different types of welding. TN-F, TN-P, SA-3F, SA-2F, T-1F, T-1P, SC-3F, SFil-F, SFil-H, SFil-V, SFil-O, A-2F, SA-2P Among others.

Applicants will have a practical welding evaluation and previous interview at no cost, in order to determine the necessary practice hours. The investment will be determined according to the requirements of each applicant.

Reports and registrations:

Cel .: 080-6640-7961 (Whatsapp)

Types of advice:

Full advice

For people who apply for the first time and/or want complete advice. Includes: 1. Reservation and filling out the exam application (moshikomi). 2. Practice at our training center (Aikawa, Kanagawa Ken) to learn the key points for the success of your practical exam. 3. Personalized theoretical classes (online) to prepare for the written exam. 4. Collection and assembly of the plates that are required to take the exam. 5. He went (round trip) to the JWES exam center. 6. Procedures and rights for printing the certificate (if approved).

Partial advice

For people who have experience in this type of exam.


1. Training to learn how to assemble the metals to be welded. 2. Practice at our training center (Aikawa, Kanagawa Ken) to learn the key points for the success of your practical exam. 3. Personalized theoretical classes (online) to prepare for the written exam.

It can also include any of the items that the applicant deems necessary mentioned above.. Here are some testimonials from our students who applied for JIS certifications.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What does this program include? It includes hours of practice for each student according to their needs and training material for the theoretical exam and online consultations to solve them.

2. What is the cost? The cost will depend on the type of exam the student wants to apply for and the number of hours of practice they require. We are a non-profit association and only the expenses of each course and materials are charged.

3. What language is it dictated in? The tutors teach the courses in Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese according to the student's needs.

4. Does the cost include the payment of the exam? If you decide to take full advice, the cost of the exam is included.

Do not hesitate to call us to answer all your questions.


FWAJ -  Foreign Welder Association of Japan - 2021
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