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Safety: The smoke from the welding

Aldo Tanoue

New regulations in the area of welding

Humo de la soldadura

Welding activities do not escape from having risks to the health of workers. However, having the proper knowledge and awareness of this, if the corresponding security measures are complied with, the work is safe. The purpose of the article is to learn about new changes in the rules related to the smoke produced by welding.

Regulation on smoke

The main problem of the smoke generated by welding is the concentration of powdered metallic powder that contains lead particles, which, when inhaled by a worker, it cools down and tends to accumulate in the lungs. This is highly harmful to health by producing diseases such as pneumoconiosis, known as mining disease, and other respiratory conditions. In the welding industry, standards have been created to prevent environmental problems that damage the health of workers and other people around work areas due to the emanation of smoke, such as the use of masks, protectors, air extractors and others. Approximately four years ago, these rules were renewed, especially in those that refer to welding work in enclosed spaces, so since 2021, in Japan, smoke from welding is considered a chemical harmful to health. Welding smoke has always been considered harmful to health, what happens is that by raising it to "harmful chemical substance" the safety measures have become stricter. The new rules dictate that within any company where welding processes are carried out, a trained worker is required to control that the work environment is adequate and not harmful to the human body; in addition to the installation of additional equipment and specialized measurements. It is important to emphasize that since 2022, the regulations on smoke are mandatory for companies where welding processes are carried out; and from 2023 companies could be subject to penalties. These changes will be gradual since the high costs that can be generated by the implementation of the rules in terms of the installation of mechanisms for the improvement of the work environment have been considered.

Welding smoke has always been considered harmful to health, what happens is that by raising it to "harmful chemical substance" the safety measures have become stricter

Course: Use and supervision of specified chemical substances
Smoke extractors from the FWAJ technical training center

In Japan, the new regulations on welding smoke, specific that are required of at least one person who controls the work environment. For this, the course called Tokutei Kagaku Busshitsu・Shi Arukiru Namari (特定化学物質・四アルキル鉛等作業主任者), which in English would translate as "Use and supervision of specified chemicals ・ Tetra Rented Lead". Once the course is approved, it is certified that the participant is trained to control a welding work environment. In this sense, he will have the necessary knowledge to check that the personnel are equipped and properly use personal protective equipment. In addition, a history of smoke density levels will be kept and the type of masks, devices and necessary safety mechanisms will be determined. On the other hand, it will verify the daily dust cleaning in the work areas and carry out the weekly inspection of the correct operation of the installed safety mechanisms, such as smoke extractors.

Approval of the course on smoke

The training is taught in certified entities supervised by the offices of the Ministry of Labor of Japan and lasts two days. To obtain the certificate on the training course: "Use and supervision of specified chemical substances - Tetra Alquiló de Plomo", it is essential to pass four exams in the areas of health, environment, safety logistics and laws; each area must be approved with a minimum of 60%.


As a final recommendation, it is necessary for each worker in the area of welding and aspirants to develop awareness of the risks associated with this activity and the health consequences in case of improper use or omission of personal protective devices. We also invite you to develop interest in the new regulations on fumes and encourage you to delve into the field of risk prevention generated in welding processes.

Certificates of FWAJ members, after passing the course "Use and supervision of specified chemical substances ・ Tetra Rented Lead" (特定化学物質・四アルキル鉛等作業主任者)

We are here to serve you, any questions or particular queries, do not hesitate to contact the Association of Foreign Welders of Japan.

Article written by:

Tanoue Aldo, Nokuni Aldo, Fuyikawa Juan


FWAJ -  Foreign Welder Association of Japan - 2021
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